Monthly Archives: October 2012

Adoption: Not a simple decision

For most mothers, placing one’s child for adoption is not a simple decision to make. Every mother shares a special bond with her child even after the cord that physically connects them is severed. The love of a mother is often described as universal, and it is this love that keeps her attached to her child. For others, however, it is also this same love that leads them to entrust their child to other people.

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One of the leading reasons behind the growing number of children placed for adoption is the incapability of the birth parents to support the needs of their children. Many of them are also financially, emotionally, and psychologically unprepared to fulfill their responsibilities as proper parents. In other cases, children are born to couples who already have enough children to feed. Another child would seriously disrupt their capacity to support their older children.

Faced with these factors, parents, especially mothers, make the difficult decision to separate with their children despite their special bond. In this situation, the desire to secure a bright future beats maternal attachment. The kids are placed for adoption with the hope that they will be taken in by a family that can give the financial and emotional support they need to grow as proper citizens.

Fortunately, current technology and the availability of transportation have made keeping connections between birth mothers and their children’s adoptive families easier and more convenient. This greatly reduces the feeling of uncertainty, pain, and fear felt by mothers about the adoption.

Heart to Heart Adoptions has been helping birth mothers find the right adoptive families for their babies. For more information about its services, you may visit