When biological mothers return

Juno will probably reach another childbearing age when, this time around, she’s likely to want the child. So her past is scored by a sexual slip that resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. It takes some years of maturity before a biological mother looks back at her womb-spawn.

There are many cases where curiosity gets the better of a mother who had willfully abandoned her child. The maternal instinct kicks in more violently among those whose separation from their children was brought about by unfortunate circumstances, such as imprisonment and drug abuse. Social workers could have weaned the child from the mother’s incapable hands.

Image Source: todaysparent.com

There are many possibilities a biological mother could not fulfill her responsibilities at a given time, but these do not preclude a return to the original calling. And when that happens, the time in court is a drama worthy of George Eliot. Custody rights of the biological parent and the adoptive one could sometimes be easily resolved through moral debates. But there could be conflicting legal statutes that could drag the case on and traumatize the child.

Some cases are extrajudicially resolved through custody compromises. Other informal agreements where the mother is gradually eased into the child’s life presupposes a proper introduction. Eventually, some foster parents think the truth healthy. But for others, the return of the biological mother is hostile territory, one that must be arbitrated by professionals.

There are other ways conflicts between biological and adoptive parents could be prevented in the future. Heart to Heart Adoptions ensures that amid these contestations, the child in question will not suffer trauma. Find out how through its website.

About hearttoheartadoptionsutah

Heart to Heart Adoptions is a full-service, 501(3) non-profit adoption agency that works closely with birth mothers and adoptive families throughout the country. It seeks to provide foster children a loving and supportive home where they can develop a sense of genuine family life in the presence of devoted parents. For more information, visit http://www.hearttoheartadopt.com.

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